Home Uncategorized Groupama.com awarded for its superior level of accessibility to disabled people

Groupama.com awarded for its superior level of accessibility to disabled people

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AccessiWeb is a quality label that measures disabled people’s access to websites. This label consists of three quality levels (bronze, silver and gold) and is awarded by the Association BrailleNet for a period of two years.

By meeting the silver label’s 76 criteria, Groupama has become the first French insurer to obtain this honour. The silver level certifies that the site provides a superior level of accessibility – particularly for the disabled. It meets all the navigational recommendations and is designed for users to be assisted by various technologies (braille terminal, screen reader software, speech synthesis, etc.).

Furthermore, it proves that a site such as Groupama.com, featuring advanced functions for the disabled, can still be user-friendly.

This label follows that of the gold level obtained by Fondation ‘Groupama pour la Santé’ (Groupama Foundation for Health) in 2006, which was renewed in 2008.

Once again, Groupama demonstrates its commitment to practising socially responsible values and its adherence to the guiding principles of local presence, responsibility and solidarity that have underpinned the Group for over 100 years.

