Home Communication The customer creates space link with the insured

The customer creates space link with the insured

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Create an online space dedicated to the insured is a way to strengthen the customer relationship. Today , it can make many acts of management of the contract.

The quality of customer service places an insurer today by a space dedicated customers online, totally secure and accessible 24h/24 and 7/7. Insurers and mutuals have all available to their customers placeholders . With a username and a password, the client connects easily and can access data at any time of his or her contract . The number of shares online is variable depending on the company and can range from producing estimates to the online subscription .

In recent years, the areas customers are generally much improved. From an ergonomic point of view, the site navigation is easier. New menus as tabs allow customers easier access to information and documents available. Moreover , the answers are dealt with more quickly and less technical . Guests have access to services increasingly numerous. A simple consultation contracts and obtaining certificates … have added many management decisions .

In the best case, the insured has the right to print their certificates, consult the available savings , his health refunds, make payments online, report a claim , have access to their email, or contact an advisor personalized advice . Some areas also allow customers pay for subscriptions online, as is the case for example at Axa France . “We offer 24 management actions , giving our members the ability to manage their contract by performing a change of address , marital status , vehicle jacks appointment to make a savings or pension balance or asking all questions about the management of their contracts. For this access to their dedicated space, we give our members a high degree of autonomy on the internet , “says Jean- Marc Willmann , a Managing Director Operations and Relationship Maif members .

