Home Uncategorized Home insurance claims for fire continue to increase

Home insurance claims for fire continue to increase

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Increasing numbers of home insurance claims are still arising due to incidences of fire, according to the Association of British Insurers (ABI).

The Financial Times reports that the ABI has seen a continual increase in fire claims against both home insurance and commercial insurance policies.

Some of these are believed to be fraudulent as owners of both residential and commercial property look to their insurance policies for a payout during the recession.

The ABI comments: “We do know that there are some crimes that are linked to the underlying economic climate – fraud being one of them,” reports the Financial Times.

Arson fraud is said to be an area which is particularly linked to the performance of the economy by the ABI.

Nick Starling, director of general insurance and health at the ABI, said earlier in the year that fire insurance remains important as more large-scale fires are reported, putting the safety of inhabitants at risk.

